Monday, October 02, 2006

Study break from GMAT studies...

I really, REALLY, REALLY don't recommend studying for GMAT and applying for B-school at the same time! How I got myself into this predicament?? Earlier in the year, January 2006, I was on track studying for the GMAT. After spending all of December 2005 studying on my own, I realized I need professional help. Through the recommendations of friends, colleagues, I went w/ Kaplan and paid their $$$ fees. Half way through, my father's cancer had worsen. He would be admitted into the hospital for 2-3 weeks, be released and 2 weeks later, would be re-admitted again. He's 87 years old and does not know English. My family would do 24 hour bed side attendance. I usually pull 4 -6 hours a day during the weekdays, and half days on weekends. This was my schedule.

Although I did read up and research thoroughly the European B-schools and attend the MBA fairs, I could not muster the discipline to study the GMAT while bed-side to my dad in the hospital. With my father's deteriorating health, I didn't think he would survive through the calendar year. After one month of getting the run around, I was able to freeze my Kaplan account. Two months later, my father passed. Having accepted my father's dying wish of me "stay close by and watch over mother," I moved back home. This was my fifth time moving in three years.

My summer months were spent getting reacquainted w/ the "joys and blessings" of living back home w/ mother, two nieces, and my inherited/god son. I kissed my single life and bachelor adventures good bye..."buh-bye." I did finish up a second professional certificate and celebrated w/ an one week drinking festival, which I won't recommending again. Well unless I'm on vacation.

Now I'm here...writing/editing essays, gathering recommenders, getting official transcripts, working a full work week, and putting in 2-4 hours of GMAT studying each day. Except Thursday and Friday. -Tvu does need some break. After all this work to get myself into an European B-School, I think...know the MBA program will be easier. A nice vacation from myself and for me to spread my wings again. With the frequent flight back home.


asiangal said...

Now that I'm retaking the GMAT in November I'm juggling putting my apps together alongside intensive study. Are you targetting R1 or R2?

-tvu said...

R2, just like you! hehe...

Hobbes said...
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Hobbes said...

Hats off to your never-say-die spirit, man! Keep it up & going and soon you shall clear all the MBA related hurdles too :)

-tvu said...

Hobbies - Hope and determination is what I am. Hopefully the B-schools can see that also.

Iday said...

It's tough i agree.
Jus like u said - ur hope and determination will see you through :)

And as for the Bschools being able to see them, i guess u have all the essential requirements to stich a wonderful story around your experiences.
I guess you are doing just that!

-tvu said...

Thanks iday.