Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Why I and maybe other US students apply to International B-Schools

Another bout of insomina and another blog. Read Business Week's an day in life article on MBA graduates. Fairly standard article, but what perked my ears were these paragraphs. I have many reasons for applying only for B-schools outside of the good' ole' US of A. These paragraphs help to
Looking back on my B-school experience, I think that school you choose is more important than your courses. I would enroll in the most diverse, international program you're accepted to. Generally, courses are fairly standard between MBA programs; what varies is the composition of the school's student body
At "B-School X", no one nationality makes up more than 10% of the student population. That has a huge impact on every class, even standard first-semester courses such as Marketing or Accounting. Bring students from 40 different countries to contribute and debate, and the course takes on a new dimension.
So far, I've worked in three countries (the U.S., France, and Japan), but because of what I learned from my peers at"B-School X", I have a more international perspective and understanding of conducting business in many markets around the world.
I've attended a few B-School information sessions and read up on their international student body data. No American B-school could compare to the foreign B-School international student body represented. The international B-schools put the international in...well you get the idea. hehe...

Side non-MBA note; Is it possible to weight less at the end of the day, then in the morning? Yes, if you're losing weight! Yeah baby, dropped almost eight pounds so far. My work out regime has changed a bit. I'm mostly biking for my cardio and just went from 10 mile (16 km) to 18 mile (28.9 km) ride. A 3 to 4 mile run would be better, but the sensation of the the wind in my face can't be beat.

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