Thursday, August 24, 2006

Revenge of the 80's, take that marcusrodri...(definitely nonMBA)

Can't be certain if it's my lack of sleep or my 10 hour and still going day, but I can't help get the 80's music vidoe of my head for the last four hours. If you can't fight it, then go with it!

Since my previous post on recycled fashion, "blast from the past", Marc IESE 07' ( commented me w/ this very 80's music video from Spain. He then posted his thoughts on the 80's. Of course reading "what' cha talk'n about Willis" in Spainish I found way hilarious. Thanks Marc, you've set off a 80's flash back in me. So I must return the favor to you!

I submit these two videos for you readers and Marc viewing entertainment and hope you have a laught attack like I did.

1) 80's hilariously awful music video. I like the song as a kid, but the video is another matter.

2) Mr. T's 80's fashion style! Yes baby!!

Yes...Sweet 80's revenge. MWEAUHAHA~...


Marcusrodri said...

GOT THAT! AWESOME hahaha. I remember when i was a kid I thought MrT was the strongest man in the world. Now I know he was also the most fashionable!.
Ok I have to counterattack:

-tvu said...

Xena and Zena?? He did pronounce the names correctly. Yes, the girls did dress that way going to malls and clubs back in 80's.

I think you missed the point. The video has to be HILARIOUSLY AWFUL. Roxy Music and Maddness are good 80's video. That's my opinion and I'm sticking with it. But you did get "you can't touch this," so that counts as hilariously awful. hehe...