Saturday, July 22, 2006

Collateral effects of my exercise regime...(nonMBA)

It has been a little over one month since I've restarted my exercise regime. After three and half years hiatus from working out, getting back into a healthy lifestyle is an uphill battle. I've gone through this before (dropped 30 lbs and maintained back in 99') , but this does not ease the pain of laying the foundation.

Key is developing this routine into an habit. My secret it doing it for one month, then it becomes habitual for me. I work out every weekday (M-Thr) , and surf Friday after work. Try to squeeze in a surf session during weekends, but family chores and personal errans usually get in way.

I fight the 30 minutes commute to get home, greet mom, do the various items/chores she ask me to do. Mentally I'm beaten. The couch, television, all beckon to me. Every day I fight it. Everyday I grind it out. Ten or sixteen mile bike ride, one mile run, then do the weights. My reward is a bowl of salad and one chicken breast. Sometimes I cheat and grab a bowl of rice w/ that day's meat. Results so far, I've droped five to six lbs and maintained it off. Hey, it's only been one month. Side benefits, my back problem is gone, I have more energy now so I'm not as tired while working on the essays and scheduling my time to apply for several B-schools.

My family (nieces and nephew) are starting to eat salads for dinner. I encourage my mom to walk down the street and back home and she's doing it. A good leader must be able to walk your talk while you're asking them to walk also.

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