Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Tweaking schedule to satisfy my life priorities...

I'm deep in GMAT study and still feel behind. I don't recommend studying for the GMAT and doing B-school applications at the same time. Unless you're maschositic. If so, then have all the "pain, spiked w/ pleasure" you want.

Good thing I have my surfing and biking/running to release this building stress. Speaking of which, I've been giving blogger Petite Canadienne and two of her consulting associates surfling lessons in Newport Beach. They've begun to call themselves the "-tvu surfing club." I'm not sure this is good or bad. Since my name's attached, I'm going to make sure they can surf properly. Don't want people to comment that my students sucked and who's the idiot that taught them?? Anything -tvu is associated w/ must be w/ quality. Brand Management 101.
I have not gotten blogger Petitie Canadienne permission to put pictures yet. If blogger Petitie says ok, then you'll see.

Aside from surfing duties, which I'm rediscovering my love for, I am tweaking my exercise routine so I can actually do it. I'm waking up 5:30am, out the door 5:45 (who needs to brush teeth b4 morning run) for two mile run and light weight. Hmm...how long can I keep this up.

Life Lesson 1 - Once you figure out your life priorities, then work you life schedule to accomodate it. You will enjoy "tu vida mucho mejor."

Life Lesson 2 - Teach a novice something you're passionate about. You will rediscover your love for it through the student's eyes.

**Update; Blogger Petitie gave the OK***

-tvu; Surf Instructor
(1st lessons)

Petite ; Wipe out
(1st lesson)

Petite; BIG SMILES, even after thrashing around the white waters and swallowing a lot of Pacific Ocean seawater
(1st lesson)

tvu; surf instructor
(2nd lesson)

Petite; Big smiles, before lessons starts
(2nd lesson)

tvu; securing keys to car onto surf leash
(2nd lesson)

Petite's coworkers; Students 2 (Nic) and 3 (Nathan); Pre-surf lessons
(2nd lesson)

Nic and Nathan; Post surf lessons...big smile. Nathan really, REALLY likes my banana surf board
(2nd lesson)

tvu surfing club
(2nd lesson)

Rising the boards
(2nd lesson)

I luv my students
(3rd lesson)

3rd and final lesson; tvu surf club


Hobbes said...

Damn neat man! Wish I had that kinda descipline to work out, and unfortunately it shows too :)

Marcusrodri said...

How do I do to become a member of this surfing club?
Tu vida mucho mejor: Forget 5:45 weight lifting that for sure. The run is ok in the morining but a bit late won't hurt either. Then a bit of surf & GMAT (have you tried to do both at same time?). Capirinha when finished. then go back to beach again.

-tvu said...

Hobbes - I don't consider it as discipline to work out. It's a life priority for me (helps destress me), so I make time for it, like for my god son. I'm certain you make time for a passion/important in your life, but never considered it as discipline. You'll be a happier and less stressed person.

Marcu - You have an open invitation for surf lesson, but you'll have to quit smoking 1st. hehe... Capirinhas sounds excellent after a surf session. Great idea! I'll take my books out in the water next surf session.

Anonymous said...

I can relate! I've dropped everything else in my life *except* going to the gym.