Monday, April 17, 2006

Reading for class...tried to at least

It's been an extremely busy day. After one week off to handle my dads' passing, funeral proceedings, mass, prayers and spending time w/ mom and family, I returned to work today and tomorrow, then off for rest of the week for more prayer, viewing, and funeral at 6 am Saturday. Tomorrow isn't going to be easier. Work 8a - 5 pm, then class 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm. It's tough, but have to remain strong for the family and mom. All of my siblings have been home for the entire week. It's really rare to have all of us home. But we're all here to help mom handle dad's passing. Need to take a picture of all the siblings with mom.

These last few days, I've only gotten a few hours of sleep each night. I'm trying to read two chapters for tomorrow's class. I wound up reading Le MBA's blog instead. I did scan through a few pages of the book. Ok now back to the book....seriously..

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