Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Delayed post for a delayed decision...

I've been delaying this post...might as well get to it.

A delayed decision:

2002 - A title of responsibility;
Delayed (now post phoned indefinitely) my training for a pilot license (private pilot certification) and training for a certified personal trainer (CPT), to help my god son deal with his mothers' (my sister-n-law) sudden passing. The honorary title of god father, had over night gained weight of responsibilities. I hope my presence and guidance, helps more then harms.

2006 - A promise;
Delayed B-School application (for class of 2008) to fulfill a deathbed promise to my father to watch over mother. I learned the value and weight of a promise.

2007 - A promise to myself;
My god son is going through his teenage years and developing the famous teenager attitude. His school work is slipping and motivation is less then par. A typical teenager. I'm learning to balance when to be firm, when to be supportive, when to teach, and when to let him experience it himself. I've throughly considered the consequences of all options and conclude that another year home will benefit my god son and mother more then I. One more year to watch over widowed mother and mentor god son. They need this year more then I.

With this additional year (aside from work, family, GMAT, and B-School), I promise to myself that next year well be my year. I will initiate and complete my aspirations, my goals, and my plans. Once GMAT (end of summer) and B-school applications (round 1 and/or 2) is completed, I will resuscitate my studies to be a certified personal trainer (CPT). I've already restarted my exercise routine (during lunch breaks) and have dropped 10 lbs.
If you want something badly enough, you're going to have to work for it, make the sacrifices and earn it.
This sound sadistic, but I now enjoy spending my free time, reading, learning, and/or doing. Due to my schedule of work, GMAT study time after work, and keep mother company, my day ends at 11pm. I no longer watch regular TV. Of the TV programs I do watch (while keeping mother company) it's usually the educational programs. I recognize my goal oriented personality. Once the GMAT and B-School applications is completed, the CPT is a good goal for me. It's cheaper then the private pilot certificate. hehe...

Where ever I end going for B-School, they will have a MBA student that is also a Certified Personal Trainer. A promise to myself; get back into surfing shape, my surfing body, my goals, my new career, and my life.

Ibizia, Spain - June, 2001

Barcelona, Spain - June 2001

Tarragona, Spain - 2001


kpmg said...

way to go man... i like the way you've planned things out and seem to be leading a balanced life. I'm sure the schools will look favourably on what you have achieved and what you will achieve.

all the best man.

Unknown said...

Looks like you have your priorities straight. I'm also delaying certain things.. like repaying my student loan :P

Marcusrodri said...

Hey man! I saw you wher you were doing that pic 6 years ago!!! well, maybe not ;-)
I am sure you will accomplish everything you wish during next year. I will be in bcn next 2 years, although it seems I am already an ex-blogger.
Best of luck!

Marcusrodri said...

Sorry I think you call it to "take a pic". Do, make & take....what a mess since I am 5 years old!!

-tvu said...

Wanna - Thanks. I hope so.

Charles - yeah...that student loan is nasty, but hopefully the interest rate is low. The t-shirts looks sweet. You should check out southern California, to see how a casual society wears it's t-shirts.

Marc - don't stop blogging, at least continue to post pictures of Barcelona. I love that city.