Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Holidays and back on the study schdule

winter. Happy Holidays! It's the day after Christmas and it has been over a full week since arriving back home to sunny SoCal. The two weeks spent in Europe seems a distant blur. No more scafs, no more overcoat, no more fridge temperature, no more awesome European Coffee (cafe). Back to ordinary sunny beautiful SoCalhehe...

Caught up time w/ my God Son and mother. Now it's back to the big bad GMAT. Although the second time around, I'm not anxious as before. Wait, it's only the first day of round 2 w/ the GMAT. Let's see how my nerves still hold up after a few more weeks of work, studies, B-school essays, mother and G-son duties.

A few notes;
1) I will post up my opinions on Manchester, LBS and HEC Business School later. Stay tune for it.
2) Ms. Petite Canadienne found another HEC blogger. Enjoy his up coming B-school adventures.


angie said...

Happy New Year and good luck with the applications!

-tvu said...

Happy new years to you Angie! Hope your break was enjoyable and (importantly) restful!