Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Why bother w/ a MBA when I can Host...

What have I been think?? Why have I been bothering going through the hassle and pain of getting into an European B-school, while I could earn over $100,000 a month hosting in Japan!! Yes..ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND. View this video report from Reuter's Oddly Enough; Host w/ the most.

Lady's night is every night at Club Rafael, a Japanese host club, where men make a mint making women feel special. Patron Yuka will pay about $13,000 for champagne and the services of Manato, the top host at Club Rafael. Manato, whose 25th birthday is the cause for the bubbly, is one of thousands of young men who can earn over $100,000 a month, almost entirely on commissions from drinks and the kindness of strangers.
Over $100,000 a month?? OK, change in plans. Toss the freak'n GMAT book, screw the essays, transcripts, recommendations, and pick up Japanese language book. Good thing I studied Japanese for a year back in college. Lets not forget a plane ticket to Japan. OK. Now I have a new goal, have list of action points w/ milestones. Lets get going! Gambatte Yo!!!


Hobbes said...

ha ha! shore does sound much easier than the freakin apping process! :D

Juggler said...

nice backup option I would say!

-tvu said...

hobbes - hehe.. yes.

juggler - no back up plan. I'm doing it!! (jk) hehe...

Anonymous said...

Let's pack up. I'll go w/ u.....