Friday, October 13, 2006

Happy me

Today is Friday the 13th. Dun-da-dum~. This superstitious day also marks an anniversary for me. A nine year relationship...with my employer; The University of California, Irvine. Wow~ how time drags by while working for the State, in the public sector. It's a stable environment, unfortunately, too stable. Everyone stays put and set up for retirement, so advancement is very slow. I'm ready for a change, hence B-school in Europe will recharge my ambitions and rejuvenate my aspirations.

Side note, studying for GMAT is taking another back burner. Last weekend's wedding sucked most of my study time and this weekend is my nephew's wedding will suck even more of my study time. This is really testing my self displine. I am going to try ... will get at least two hours for studying today, on Friday. Yeah, yipee~! I'm also amazed that I'm still able to wake up for my morning run. Although not every morning, but just enough to keep me wanting more. Three to four weeks is the magic number to develop any activity into a habit. I'm aiming to create this new healthy habit.

Since most of you readers have experiences w/ GMAT, or other standarized tests, you'll appreciate these pictures.

What's the issue?? It makes sense.

Again, what's the problem? The logic is correct!

S/he did find X.

The instructions did say expand.

This sums it up correctly!

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