Tuesday, July 11, 2006

End of World Cup, realization how international UCI is...

Since the start of the world cup, I had been watching the games during lunch at the University's grilll by the Science buildings. I work for the University of California, Irvine. Since it was summer time and no classes, I had presumed that I would be watching it with a few graduate students. How wrong I was. I forget that UCI is a major research university and has graduate students and professor through out the world. I was extremely impressed with the amount of people watching the games and how international these people were. Each were cheering for their country, their region of the world, and/or their favorite team. It was particularly cheerful (loud) during the Mexico match. Us So Cal (southern californians) cheered for Mexico, because eventually Californians will breed into CaliforniMexicans. Funny but true.

While watching these matches amongst the diverse audience, it gave me inspiration for my potential future in Business School in Europe. Where ever I end up, I look forward to being amongst a group of intelligent, international group of people I hope to call dear friends. Here's to my international future!


Anonymous said...

I liked reading your blog,its quite interesting,Thanks for sharing
zingtrial :)

-tvu said...

Thanks Zingtrial...